
security_login Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /
# Route name Path Log
1 a_p_i_accred_extranet /a/p/i/v1/accred/extranet Path does not match
2 a_p_i_extranet_accred_new /a/p/i/v1/accred/new Path does not match
3 api_calcul /api/calcul/ Path does not match
4 api_taux /a/p/i/taux/ Path does not match
5 api_tauxCom /a/p/i/tauxCom/ Path does not match
6 api_calcul_halal /api/calcul/halal Path does not match
7 a_p_i_deal_a_p_i /a/p/i/deal Path does not match
8 create_a_p_i_extranet /a/p/i/deal/extranet Path does not match
9 a_p_i_partner_deal /api/deal/new Path does not match
10 a_p_i_docusign_call_back /a/p/i/docusign/call/back Path does not match
11 a_p_i_extranet_society /a/p/i/v1/society/new Path does not match
12 a_p_i_extranet_deal /a/p/i/v1/deal/new Path does not match
13 a_p_i_extranet_setid /a/p/i/v1/deal/setid Path does not match
14 api_new_extranet_deal /app/v2/deal/new Path does not match
15 api_synchro_extranet_deal_user /app/v2/synchro Path does not match
16 api_synchro_extranet_deal /app/v2/set/id Path does not match
17 a_p_i_franfinance /franfi/response Path does not match
18 a_p_i_franfinance_co /franfi/response/test Path does not match
19 a_p_i_grenke /grenke/response Path does not match
20 a_p_i_grenke_co /grenke/response/test Path does not match
21 api_login /api/login_check Path does not match
22 a_p_i_siemens /siemens/response Path does not match
23 a_p_i_siemens_co /siemens/response/test Path does not match
24 a_p_i_dealsolution_a_p_i /a/p/i/dealsolution Path does not match
25 accreditation /accreditation Path does not match
26 action_index /action/ Path does not match
27 action_new /action/new/{id} Path does not match
28 action_new_society /action/society/new/ Path does not match
29 action_show /action/{id} Path does not match
30 action_edit /action/{id}/edit Path does not match
31 action_delete /action/{id} Path does not match
32 ajax_sirene /ajax/sirene Path does not match
33 ajax_calendar_events /ajax/calendar/events Path does not match
34 app_ajax_filter_index /ajax/filter Path does not match
35 ajax_search /ajax/search Path does not match
36 calendar_index /calendar/ Path does not match
37 calendar_new /calendar/new Path does not match
38 calendar_update /calendar/update/{id} Path does not match
39 calendar_remove /calendar/remove/{id} Path does not match
40 calendar_activities /calendar/activities/{id} Path does not match
41 calendar_events /calendar/events Path does not match
42 challenge_challenge_index /challenge/ Path does not match
43 challenge_challenge_new /challenge/new/{id} Path does not match
44 challenge_challenge_show /challenge/{id} Path does not match
45 challenge_challenge_edit /challenge/{id}/edit Path does not match
46 challenge_challenge_delete /challenge/{id} Path does not match
47 conge_paye_index /conge/paye/ Path does not match
48 demandes /conge/paye/demandes/ Path does not match
49 soldes /conge/paye/soldes/ Path does not match
50 user_demandes /conge/paye/demandes/user Path does not match
51 demande_show /conge/paye/demande/{id} Path does not match
52 conge_paye_new /conge/paye/new Path does not match
53 app_conge_paye_show /conge/paye/{id} Path does not match
54 app_conge_paye_edit /conge/paye/{id}/edit Path does not match
55 app_conge_paye_delete /conge/paye/{id} Path does not match
56 submit_demande_conges /conge/paye/demande/submit Path does not match
57 validation_demande_conges /conge/paye/demande/validation/{id} Path does not match
58 amount_financed_index /contract/amount/financed/ Path does not match
59 amount_financed_contract_update /contract/amount/financed/update/{id} Path does not match
60 amount_financed_detailed_new /contract/amount/financed/remettre-en-banque Path does not match
61 afd_remise_en_banque /contract/amount/financed/remettre-en-banque/xml Path does not match
62 amount_financed_new /contract/amount/financed/new Path does not match
63 amount_financed_show /contract/amount/financed/{id} Path does not match
64 amount_financed_edit /contract/amount/financed/{id}/edit Path does not match
65 amount_financed_delete /contract/amount/financed/{id} Path does not match
66 contract_contrat_vente_index /contract/contrat/vente/ Path does not match
67 contract_contrat_vente_new /contract/contrat/vente/new/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
68 contract_contrat_vente_show /contract/contrat/vente/{id} Path does not match
69 contract_contrat_vente_edit /contract/contrat/vente/{id}/edit Path does not match
70 contract_contrat_vente_delete /contract/contrat/vente/{id} Path does not match
71 contract_fiche_liaison_new /contract/fiche/liaison/new/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
72 contract_fiche_liaison_edit /contract/fiche/liaison/{id}/edit Path does not match
73 app_contract_shared_prolong_index /contract/shared/prolong/ Path does not match
74 app_contract_shared_prolong_new /contract/shared/prolong/new Path does not match
75 app_contract_shared_prolong_show /contract/shared/prolong/{id} Path does not match
76 app_contract_shared_prolong_edit /contract/shared/prolong/{id}/edit Path does not match
77 app_contract_shared_prolong_delete /contract/shared/prolong/{id} Path does not match
78 app_contract_shared_prorata_index /contract/shared/prorata/ Path does not match
79 app_contract_shared_prorata_new /contract/shared/prorata/new/{id} Path does not match
80 app_contract_shared_prorata_show /contract/shared/prorata/{id} Path does not match
81 app_contract_shared_prorata_edit /contract/shared/prorata/{id}/edit Path does not match
82 app_contract_shared_prorata_delete /contract/shared/prorata/{id} Path does not match
83 app_contract_shared_prorata_update_comment_prorata /contract/shared/prorata/update/comment/{id} Path does not match
84 hash /hash Path does not match
85 contract_contract_commission /contract/contract/commission Path does not match
86 contractCommission_new_commission /Contract_commission/new/{id} Path does not match
87 contractCommission_update_commission /Contract_commission/update/{id} Path does not match
88 contractCommission_update_comment_commission /Contract_commission/update/comment/{id} Path does not match
89 contractCommission_show_commission /Contract_commission/show/{id} Path does not match
90 contract_list /contract/list Path does not match
91 contract_index2 /contract/index2 Path does not match
92 contract_tableau_croise /contract/tableau Path does not match
93 contract_new /contract/new/{id}/{repId} Path does not match
94 contract_page /contract/page/{id} Path does not match
95 contract_update /contract/update/{id} Path does not match
96 contract_forecasts /contract/forecasts/{id} Path does not match
97 contract_insuranceStatus /contract/insurance-status/{id} Path does not match
98 contract_insurances_list /contract/assurances_liste/ Path does not match
99 contract_insurances_list_false /contract/assurances_liste_false/ Path does not match
100 contract_insurances_list_all_done /contract/assurances_liste_all_done/ Path does not match
101 contract_insurances_ajax /contract/assurances_Ajax/ Path does not match
102 contract_ytd /contract/ytd/{year}/{id} Path does not match
103 contract_isShared /contract/contract/isshared/{id} Path does not match
104 contract_prolongation_disable /prolongation/disable/{id} Path does not match
105 contract_prolongation_update /prolongation/update/{id} Path does not match
106 contract_prolongation_ebp_contract /prolongation/comment/{id} Path does not match
107 contract_prolongation_index_facutré /contract/prolongation/factured Path does not match
108 contract_prolongation_index /contract/prolongation Path does not match
109 contract_prolongation_new /contract/prolongation/new/{id} Path does not match
110 prolongation_shared_index /contract/prolongation/shared Path does not match
111 prolongation_shared_show /contract/prolongation/shared/{id} Path does not match
112 prolongation_shared_edit /contract/prolongation/shared/{id}/edit Path does not match
113 dashboard_index /dashboard/ Path does not match
114 dashboard_cession_data /dashboard/cession-dash Path does not match
115 dashboard_marge_data /dashboard/marge-dash Path does not match
116 dashboard_api_event_edit /dashboard/calendar/api/{id}/edit Path does not match
117 deal_accord_compensation_new /deal/accord/compensation/new/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
118 deal_accord_compensation_show /deal/accord/compensation/{id} Path does not match
119 deal_accord_compensation_edit /deal/accord/compensation/{id}/edit Path does not match
120 deal_accord_compensation_delete /deal/accord/compensation/{id} Path does not match
121 deal_solution_categorie_index /deal/solution/categorie/ Path does not match
122 deal_solution_categorie_new /deal/solution/categorie/new Path does not match
123 deal_solution_categorie_show /deal/solution/categorie/{id} Path does not match
124 deal_solution_categorie_edit /deal/solution/categorie/{id}/edit Path does not match
125 deal_solution_categorie_delete /deal/solution/categorie/{id} Path does not match
126 deal_solution_index /deal/solution/ Path does not match
127 deal_solution_new /deal/solution/new Path does not match
128 deal_solution_update /deal/solution/update/{id} Path does not match
129 deal_solution_remove /deal/solution/remove/{id} Path does not match
130 deal_solution_app_deal_dealsolution_ajaxifattachment /deal/solution/ajaxIfAttachment Path does not match
131 deal_v2_update_extranet_deal /dealv2/updateExtranetv2/{id} Path does not match
132 deal_v2_list /dealv2/liste Path does not match
133 deal_v2_newpart /dealv2/new Path does not match
134 deal_v2_newpart2 /dealv2/newv2{id} Path does not match
135 deal_v2_newDeal /dealv2/new/{pid}/{cid}/{clone} Path does not match
136 deal_v2_page /dealv2/page/{id} Path does not match
137 deal_v2_webService /dealv2/webService/{id} Path does not match
138 deal_v2_update /dealv2/update/{id} Path does not match
139 deal_v2_create /dealv2/create/{societyId}/{siren} Path does not match
140 deal_v2_delete_response /dealv2/removeResponse/{id} Path does not match
141 deal_v2_send_mail /dealv2/renvoyerAccord/{id} Path does not match
142 deal_v2_docusign_resend /dealv2/docusign/resend/{file} Path does not match
143 deal_v2_universign /dealv2/docusign/{file}/{id}/{lessor} Path does not match
144 deal_v2_contract /dealv2/contract/{id} Path does not match
145 deal_v2_forecasts_manager_update /dealv2/forecasts/manager/update/{id} Path does not match
146 deal_v2_forecasts /dealv2/forecasts/ Path does not match
147 deal_v2_manager_forecasts /dealv2/manager-forecasts/ Path does not match
148 deal_v2_transmit /dealv2/transmit/{id} Path does not match
149 deal_v2_contrat_editer_email /dealv2/contrat/editer/email/{id}/{filename} Path does not match
150 deal_v2_change_partner /dealv2/changer/partner/{id} Path does not match
151 deal_v2_change_client /dealv2/changer/client/{id} Path does not match
152 deal_v2_clone /dealv2/clone/deal/{id} Path does not match
153 deal_v2_webServiceRisk_franfi /dealv2/webServiceRisk/{id}/{deal} Path does not match
154 deal_v2_webServiceMontage_franfi /dealv2/webServiceMontage/{id} Path does not match
155 deal_v2_webServiceStatus /dealv2/page/webserviceStatus/{id} Path does not match
156 deal_v2_commentaire /dealv2/commentaire/{id} Path does not match
157 e_b_p_article_index /ebp/article/ Path does not match
158 e_b_p_article_new /ebp/article/new Path does not match
159 e_b_p_article_show /ebp/article/{id} Path does not match
160 e_b_p_article_edit /ebp/article/{id}/edit Path does not match
161 e_b_p_article_delete /ebp/article/{id} Path does not match
162 e_b_p_bank_deposit_index /ebp/bank/deposit/ Path does not match
163 e_b_p_bank_deposit_new /ebp/bank/deposit/new Path does not match
164 e_b_p_bank_deposit_add /ebp/bank/deposit/add Path does not match
165 e_b_p_bank_deposit_set_comment /ebp/bank/deposit/setComment Path does not match
166 e_b_p_bank_deposit_show /ebp/bank/deposit/{id} Path does not match
167 e_b_p_bank_deposit_edit /ebp/bank/deposit/{id}/edit Path does not match
168 e_b_p_bank_deposit_delete /ebp/bank/deposit/{id} Path does not match
169 ebp_facture /ebp/facture/ Path does not match
170 ebp_facture_draft /ebp/facture/draft Path does not match
171 ebp_client /ebp/client Path does not match
172 ebp_modal /ebp/modal Path does not match
173 ebp_modal_show /ebp/modal/show Path does not match
174 ebp_modal_avoir_create /ebp/avoir/create/{id} Path does not match
175 ebp_modal_dupliquer /ebp/dupliquer/{id} Path does not match
176 ebp_contracts /ebp/contracts Path does not match
177 ebp_societies /ebp/societies Path does not match
178 ebp_companyName /ebp/companyName Path does not match
179 ebp_unpaid_facture /ebp/unpaid/facture/{id} Path does not match
180 ebp_cession /ebp/cession Path does not match
181 ebp_amount /ebp/amount Path does not match
182 ebp_create /ebp/create Path does not match
183 ebp_update /ebp/update/{id} Path does not match
184 ebp_validate_all /ebp/facture/validateAll Path does not match
185 ebp_validate /ebp/validate/{id} Path does not match
186 ebp_regler /ebp/regler/{id} Path does not match
187 ebp_facture_var /ebp/contract/variable/{id} Path does not match
188 ebp_facture_delete /ebp/facture/delete Path does not match
189 payment_method_update /payment_method/update/{id} Path does not match
190 factures_api /ebp/factures-api/ Path does not match
191 ebp_plage /ebp/plage Path does not match
192 app_e_b_p_client_counter_index /ebp/client/counter/ Path does not match
193 app_e_b_p_client_counter_new /ebp/client/counter/new Path does not match
194 app_e_b_p_client_counter_show /ebp/client/counter/{id} Path does not match
195 app_e_b_p_client_counter_edit /ebp/client/counter/{id}/edit Path does not match
196 app_e_b_p_client_counter_delete /ebp/client/counter/{id} Path does not match
197 e_b_p_default /ebp Path does not match
198 e_b_p_facture_pdf /ebp/pdf/facture/ Path does not match
199 e_b_p_facture_action /ebp/facture/action Path does not match
200 ebp_periodic_billing_index /ebp/periodic/billing/ Path does not match
201 ebp_periodic_billing_new /ebp/periodic/billing/new/{id} Path does not match
202 ebp_periodic_billing_show /ebp/periodic/billing/{id} Path does not match
203 ebp_periodic_billing_update /ebp/periodic/billing/{id}/edit Path does not match
204 ebp_periodic_billing_delete /ebp/periodic/billing/{id} Path does not match
205 app_e_b_p_society_r_i_b_index /ebp/society/rib/ Path does not match
206 app_e_b_p_society_r_i_b_new /ebp/society/rib/new Path does not match
207 app_e_b_p_society_r_i_b_new_from_society /ebp/society/rib/newFromSociety/{id}/{url} Path does not match
208 app_e_b_p_society_r_i_b_new_from_contract /ebp/society/rib/newFromContract/{id} Path does not match
209 app_e_b_p_society_r_i_b_show /ebp/society/rib/{id} Path does not match
210 app_e_b_p_society_r_i_b_edit /ebp/society/rib/{id}/edit Path does not match
211 app_e_b_p_society_r_i_b_delete /ebp/society/rib/{id} Path does not match
212 exercice_index /exercice/ Path does not match
213 exercice_new /exercice/new Path does not match
214 exercice_show /exercice/{id} Path does not match
215 exercice_edit /exercice/{id}/edit Path does not match
216 exercice_delete /exercice/{id} Path does not match
217 facture_facture_export /facture/export/{year} Path does not match
218 facture_facture_export_assurance /facture/export_assurance/{year} Path does not match
219 facture_facture_index /facture/ Path does not match
220 facture_facture_data /facture/data/{id} Path does not match
221 facture_facture_getclient /facture/getclient Path does not match
222 facture_facture_getdate /facture/getdate Path does not match
223 facture_facture_client /facture/client Path does not match
224 facture_facture_contrat /facture/contrat Path does not match
225 facture_facture_create /facture/add/{id} Path does not match
226 facture_facture_delete /facture/{id} Path does not match
227 ebp_proforma /ebp/proforma Path does not match
228 ebp_proforma_create /ebp/proforma/create Path does not match
229 ebp_proforma_update /ebp/proforma/update/{id} Path does not match
230 ebp_proforma_modal /ebp/modal/proforma Path does not match
231 ebp_modal_proforma_show /ebp/modal/proforma_show Path does not match
232 ebp_proforma_facture /ebp/proforma/facture Path does not match
233 file_id /file/getfile/{id}/ Path does not match
234 file_download /file/downloadfile/{id}/ Path does not match
235 file_download_ebp_facture /file/downloadfile/EBP/zip/ Path does not match
236 file_download_ebp_proforma /file/downloadfile2/EBP/zip/ Path does not match
237 file_download_ebp_zip /file/downloadfile/EBP/getzip/{name} Path does not match
238 file_taux_bailleurs /file/getTaux/bailleurs Path does not match
239 file_update_alias /file/updateAlias/{id}/ Path does not match
240 goal_season_index /goal/season/page/{year} Path does not match
241 goal_season_new_ /goal/season/new/ Path does not match
242 goal_season_show /goal/season/{id} Path does not match
243 goal_season_edit /goal/season/{id}/edit Path does not match
244 goal_season_delete /goal/season/{id} Path does not match
245 goal_season_visible /goal/season/visible/{id}/{year} Path does not match
246 goal_season_visibility_status /goal/season/visibility_status/{year} Path does not match
247 idea_controller_idea /idea Path does not match
248 log_index /log/ Path does not match
249 legal_notice /legal-notice Path does not match
250 gdpr /gdpr Path does not match
251 app_market_index /market/ Path does not match
252 app_market_new /market/new Path does not match
253 app_market_edit /market/{id}/edit Path does not match
254 app_market_delete /market/{id} Path does not match
255 chat /chat/{id} Path does not match
256 message /message Path does not match
257 pdf_edit_from_deal /pdf/edit/from/deal/{id} Path does not match
258 courrierBienvenue /pdf/edit/courrierBienvenue/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
259 courrierBienvenueEmail /pdf/edit/courrierBienvenueEmail/{id} Path does not match
260 ficheLiaison /pdf/edit/ficheLiaison/{id} Path does not match
261 pdf_edit_from_deal_editPdfCommande /pdf/edit/from/deal/form/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
262 pdf_edit_staticDocument /pdf/edit/staticDocument/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
263 pdf_edit_doubleSignature /pdf/edit/doubleSignature/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
264 pdf_edit_delegPouvoir /pdf/edit/delegPouvoir/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
265 pdf_edit_erl /pdf/edit/erl/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
266 pdf_edit_sepa /pdf/edit/sepa/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
267 pdf_edit_mandatDeGestion /pdf/edit/mandat_gestion/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
268 pdf_edit_mandatReg /pdf/edit/mandatReg/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
269 pdf_edit_propal /pdf/edit/propal/{id}/{deal}/{origin} Path does not match
270 pdf_edit_index /pdf/edit/ Path does not match
271 pdf_edit_new /pdf/edit/new Path does not match
272 pdf_edit_show /pdf/edit/{id} Path does not match
273 pdf_edit_edit /pdf/edit/{id}/edit Path does not match
274 pdf_edit_delete /pdf/edit/{id} Path does not match
275 place /place Path does not match
276 rate_base_list /rate-base/list Path does not match
277 rate_base_add /rate-base/add Path does not match
278 rate_base_update /rate-base/update/{id} Path does not match
279 rate_base_show /rate-base/show Path does not match
280 scale_list /scale/list Path does not match
281 scale_clone_add /scale/clone/add/{id} Path does not match
282 scale_add /scale/add Path does not match
283 scale_add_id /scale/add/{id} Path does not match
284 scale_update /scale/update/{id}/{rateBaseId} Path does not match
285 scale_show /scale/show/{id} Path does not match
286 scale_download /scale/download/{id} Path does not match
287 scale_delete /scale/delete/{id} Path does not match
288 scale_user_api /scale/user/api/ Path does not match
289 scale_user_id /scale/user/api/{id} Path does not match
290 security_login / Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.